Support the SMP

To ensure greater server performance there is a greater price we have to pay (literally). While we do not offer pay-to-win perks, we do offer a few fairly balanced benefits from supporting the Sleepy SMP.

To see monthly Patreon donation tiers and their perks, click here
(you can cancel your subscription anytime)

We also offer some perks for anyone who boosts our Discord server:

  • Weekly inventory rollback (non-pvp death only)
  • Glowing items + have lore descriptions applied to certain items (decorative)
  • x3 armor trims per 2 weeks of boosting
  • x1 shulker per 3 weeks of boosting
  • Request variable chest of building blocks per 1 month of boosting (cannot be rare or advantageous blocks)

Boosters and Patreon supporters will have access to a channel where they can actively request their perks ingame. These perks are also available to Patreon supporters.

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